Parenting Books

“Mother and Son:  The Respect Effect”, by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

“Boundaries”, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

“What Every Mom Needs”, by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall

“10 Habits of Happy Mothers”, by Dr. Meg Meeker, M.D.

“Moms Who Changed the World”, by Lindsey O’Connor

“Power of a Praying Parent”, by Stormie O’Martian

“5 Love Languages of Children”, by Gary Chapman

“Sheparding a Child’s Heart”, by Tedd Tripp

“Strong Fathers Strong Daughters”, by Meg Meeker, M.D.; “Strong Mothers, Strong Sons”, by Meg Meeker, MD.

“She’s Gonna Blow!”, by Julie Ann Barnhill

“And Then I had Teenagers”, by Susan Alexander Yates

“Parenting Your Teen and Loving It: Being the Mom Your Kid Needs”, by Susie Davis

“Mindset”, by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

Relationship Books

“Love and Respect”, By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

“The 5 Love Languages”, By Gary Chapman

“Boundaries in Marriage”, by Cloud Townsend

“Power of a Praying Wife”, by Stormie O’Martian

“4 Seasons of Marriage”, by Gary Chapman

“Guys Are Waffles, Girls Are Spaghetti”, By Chad Eastham, Bill Farrel, Pam Farrel

Additional resources are always being added, so please check back.