JB Organizing Sunday Assignment. Spend time picking out a meaningful gift…..
JB Organizing: Sunday Assignment. Spend time picking out a meaningful gift for someone on your list. #jborganizing #jborganizingsundayassignment
JB Organizing: Sunday Assignment. Spend time picking out a meaningful gift for someone on your list. #jborganizing #jborganizingsundayassignment
JB Organizing: What Day Is It? National French Toast Day. Why does this matter???? It doesn’t! But…….Yumm! What a great excuse to enjoy some delicious French Toast. Give yourself a treat for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner today #jborganizing #jborganizingwhatdayisit
JB Organizing: Holiday Activity. Holiday preparation is about more than organizing and planning, it’s about enjoying it and making memories with those we love! So much to do this time of year. The activity doesn’t have to cost anything. Take the time to do something small with friends and family. Start by going on a
JB Organizing: What Day Is It? Small Business Saturday. Take the time today to visit and support some local business. They really are the life blood of our neighborhoods, our communities, our towns, our blocks, our world! Support them today and every day! #jborganizing #jborganizingwhatdayisit #jborganizingsmallbusinesssaturday #shopsmall #smallbusinesssaturday
JB Organizing: Holiday Tips. Black Friday Shopping Tips. Know the return policy of the stores where you are shopping. Create a list of what you want or need. Start early. #jborganizing #jborganizingholidaytips #jborganizingblackfriday #blackfridaytips
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series The Night Before. Set the table. Make a casserole. Cut things up. A little work ahead of time will make the actual holiday less stressful and more enjoyable. #jborganizing #jbrorganizingholidayprep
JB Organizing: Sometimes We Just Need to Laugh. Thanksgiving Humor! #jborganizing #jborganizingsometimeswejustneedtolaugh
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series Have Fun on Thanksgiving! Consider the ages of your guests and have entertainment ideas in mind. Coloring. Movies. Games. Craft Projects. Put the electronics down and encourage face to face interaction this holiday! #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
Holiday Prep Series – Keep it Simple! Decide what is most important to your family and choose your way to keep it simple! #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
That’s Real Life… When you just cleaned the floor and the dog comes in covered with mud. #jborganizing #jborganizingreallife