“Jennifer’s presentation style is awesome!” 

Through her years of experience and heart warming stories, Jennifer Barnes provides sound advice and well developed content. On multiple occasions Jennifer has visited Kindred Life to help  guide our teen parents through topics such as Marketable Moms and the Power of Parenting. We invite Jennifer back each year and look forward to her next visit

“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.”

Our group loved Jennifer’s energy, friendliness, and passion for the topic. It was very practical and interactive, even though it was a virtual presentation. We all enjoyed it!

You do such a wonderful job of putting yourself back in our shoes remembering the specific chaos of little children. Thank you! (MOPS)

“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker.”

“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.”

“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker. We have had you speak to our group twice already in our three years of existence. Your name was the first to come up to speak to us again next year. Will be emailing you shortly. Thank you again.” (MOPS)

“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.” (Mom’s Group)

“Yes, very happy with the presentation! Our group has been a buzz with conversation since the meeting. Very relevant. Jennifer is genuine and engaging. Loved hearing her story. We would love to hear more. Will definitely recommend to the planning team to consider. Love how Jennifer interacts with the group. Could have listened for hours. Thank you!” (MOPS/MOMSNext)

“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.” (Freedom Networking Group)

“The presentation was great! Clear and well communicated and perfectly paced. We will definitely be in contact for the future!” (Ela Public Library)

“Really the presentation and the topic were perfect! Jen you did an amazing job and made the presentation engaging and relevant for all. I already have received messages from people on how they enjoyed it.” (St. Mary of the Annunciation)

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Talks also available in: Parenting/Relationship and Personal/Small Business Development  and Parent/Student 

(Virtual and In Person Presentations Available)

All presentations can also be prepared and presented as Faith Based.

If  you have an idea that you do not see represented, please let me know, as I frequently customize presentations to the needs of a given organization. 

Organizing and Parenting Solutions to Everyday Problems

In this presentation we look at how to best organize our homes to provide healthy and efficient work spaces for adults and kids. Through discussion of how to organize our space and our time, we will learn practical ways to teach our kids to be organized and responsible. The talk closes with discussion of how to maintain the systems and spaces that we set up in our homes.

Communication: Practical Tips and Powerful Lessons Anyone Can Use

“I’m saying the same things over and over!” “I don’t know how to talk to him (or her)!” “I just want to be heard!” Sound familiar? We all feel misunderstood at times and sometimes we feel like we are talking to a wall. This presentation looks at how to get people to do what you ask them to do, how to listen better to others, and how to speak each other’s language.

Parenting Is Hard: You are Not Alone

Parenting is wonderful, but parenting is hard! The goal of this talk is to shed light on the some of the hard parts of parenting. We bring certain topics out of the shadows and into the light so parents can clearly see that they are not alone in their experiences. The talk de-stigmatizes topics like: Postpartum Depression, Health Issues, Discipline Difficulties, School Struggles, Mental Health Issues, Substance Use. We provide encouragement and timely reminders for all parents, as well as practical tips on how to lay good parenting groundwork and how to specifically handle each situation. Though the presentation addresses some of the hardest parenting times, it is full of encouragement and practical takeaways applicable to all parents.

Raising Responsible Children

In this presentation I look at what Responsibility really entails in the context of our families and in our world in general. I provide practical tips on how to begin teaching the lessons of responsibility in age appropriate ways at a very young age, how to increase and improve the lessons as the children grow and mature, and how to seamlessly weave the responsibilities at home into those expected at school etc.. We also learn about the numerous benefits of teaching responsibility and how to maintain and stay consistent in the practices we begin with our children.

Being a Mom Today with Yesterday's Values

There is so much you want to teach your children; Where do you even start? We will begin by examining the relationship between our priorities, values, and schedules. Then we will move on to how simple schedule changes can impact the value lessons in our homes. We will then discuss everyday values and important life skills; and share practical methods for teaching them to our children and maintaining the new habits we create.

Parenting in a Social Media World: Tips for Managing Technology & Teaching Children to Manage Theirs

Technology and social media aren’t going anywhere. So what do we do as parents? In this presentation we will examine the top social media apps for kids and teens. We will also look at the range of technology available in our world, and how to practically manage and create “tech free time” in our schedules and that of our children. We will look at texting and social media, and the implications they have in terms of relationships today. Specific tips will be provided on how to help our kids communicate effectively, working with and sometimes around the tools available to them. We will briefly look into the dangers of certain online actions and how to talk to our kids about such things. Practical strategies are provided for monitoring online communications and social media. In addition, we will go over positive ways that we as parents can embrace social media, texting and email; and use it to improve communication and bolster our relationships with our children.

Parenting: Tools, Tips, and Tricks

Parenting is NOT easy, but you are NOT alone! This presentation reminds and reassures people. First, we look at why we should always learn and be intentional in our parenting and then we examine some broad themes of parenting across the ages. We move on to discuss how we can best use some common parenting tools and how they can be easily integrated into our daily lives. We close with some cool tricks and some key reminders to take with us on our parenting journey.

Parenting Power: Our Most Powerful Parenting Tools & How to Use Them

Children can be trained! It’s not easy, but it can be done. We are first reminded of the importance of replacing comparisons and judgments, with kindness and support for one another as we trek along this journey of parenting. The talk looks at general tools and themes that can be used and applied to all stages of parenting. We conclude with the art of using Rewards and Consequences throughout Parenting; and choosing those that are most effective for your specific child.

Being the Woman God Made You to Be & the Mother You Want to Be

This presentation starts by looking at the Myths and Hurdles of Motherhood. Then together we look at who we were before kids, who we are now, and who we want to be (with God’s help:). Finally, we look at specific, practical tips for making changes and growing into the Woman and Mom God wants us to be.

What's Your Tea Bag Made Of? Handling the Big & Little Stresses of Life

Life is full of adventures; some easy, some difficult. To paraphrase Eleanor Roosevelt; "A woman is like a tea bag - you don't know what she is really made of until you put her in hot water." What is your tea bag made of? We will look at our strengths and weaknesses and what makes us who we are. Then we will learn some practical strategies (using our strengths and weaknesses) for handling the big and little stresses of life. Finally, we will examine the role of community and how we can help each other; while growing and strengthening our own character in the process.

Marriage: Mishaps and Miracles.

The best thing anyone ever told me before I got married is: “There will be times (sometimes long periods) that you may not necessarily like your spouse and it’s ok!” This talk is for couples at all stops on the marriage journey; from newlywed to empty nest and everywhere in between. We provide an honest look at what it takes to have a lasting marriage. The presentations looks at common problems and practical tactics to handle them when they do happen; as well as strategies for recognizing and building on the miracles of marriage.

Mini Parenting Seminars

Practical interactive classes which provide encouragement along with applicable tips that can be used by parents of kids of all ages. The seminars can be presented as stand alone talks or as part of a Parenting series. The presentations can be tailored to meet the time, and content needs of a specified audience.

What Does Responsibility Really Mean and Why Bother?

Where Do I Start? The Early Years

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Practical Tips on How to Lead by Example.

School Age Children: What can they really do?

Teaching Values: Practical Tips and Powerful Lessons

Parenting Tools, Tricks and Tips