“Jennifer’s presentation style is awesome!”
Through her years of experience and heart warming stories, Jennifer Barnes provides sound advice and well developed content. On multiple occasions Jennifer has visited Kindred Life to help guide our teen parents through topics such as Marketable Moms and the Power of Parenting. We invite Jennifer back each year and look forward to her next visit
“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.”
Our group loved Jennifer’s energy, friendliness, and passion for the topic. It was very practical and interactive, even though it was a virtual presentation. We all enjoyed it!
You do such a wonderful job of putting yourself back in our shoes remembering the specific chaos of little children. Thank you! (MOPS)
“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker.”
“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.”
“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker. We have had you speak to our group twice already in our three years of existence. Your name was the first to come up to speak to us again next year. Will be emailing you shortly. Thank you again.” (MOPS)
“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.” (Mom’s Group)
“Yes, very happy with the presentation! Our group has been a buzz with conversation since the meeting. Very relevant. Jennifer is genuine and engaging. Loved hearing her story. We would love to hear more. Will definitely recommend to the planning team to consider. Love how Jennifer interacts with the group. Could have listened for hours. Thank you!” (MOPS/MOMSNext)
“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.” (Freedom Networking Group)
“The presentation was great! Clear and well communicated and perfectly paced. We will definitely be in contact for the future!” (Ela Public Library)
“Really the presentation and the topic were perfect! Jen you did an amazing job and made the presentation engaging and relevant for all. I already have received messages from people on how they enjoyed it.” (St. Mary of the Annunciation)

Presentations for any Business, Organization, Group, School, or Church.
If you have an idea you do not see represented, let us know as we frequently customize presentations to the needs of a group.