JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series – Write Everything Down!
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series Write Everything Down! Shopping Lists – Cleaning Lists – Menus – Gift Lists #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series Write Everything Down! Shopping Lists – Cleaning Lists – Menus – Gift Lists #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
Holiday Prep Series – Prioritize! Time together is more important than the perfect table setting. #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
JB Organizing: Sunday Assignment Make, Bake, Cook or Create something “fall like” today. Just because??? #jborganizing #jborganizingsundayassignment
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series Communicate Expectations. 4T’s of Talking Make sure to communicate your expectations clearly and specifically – to family, friends, coworkers or any guests. If you want people to bring something – Communicate it specifically. If you do not want something talked about – Communicate it clearly and specifically.
JB Organizing: Sometimes We Just Need to Laugh Fall Construction Humor #jborganizing #jborganizingsometimeswejustneedtolaugh
JB Organizing: That’s Real Life……. When it’s easier to text your kids when you need them to do something; than ask them in person, because then you don’t have to deal with their groans and complaints. #jborganizing #jborganizingreallife #jborganizingyouarenotalone
JB Organizing: Holiday Prep Series. Delegate! If you are hosting, ask others to bring a dish. You don’t have to do it all yourself!! #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
The Holidays are coming! Stop! Think! Plan! A little planning now means less stress and more fun later! #jborganizing #jborganizingholidayprep
Trade Reaction for Action. #jborganizing #jborganizingthisforthat
JB Organizing: Sunday Assignment Set 3 New Goals for Yourself. #jborganizing #jborganizingsundayassignment