What should be in an emergency kit?
NOTE: This kit is meant to help in an emergency and we will talk about the best places to put the kit to make sure it can be used and is helpful; however, one should NEVER go back into a dangerous situation to get the kit. Life is precious and nothing is worth sacrificing it!
Making the emergency kit.
Use a simple backpack for your kit. Put documents in ziploc bags for extra protection and to keep the pack light and less bulky.
Consider the types of emergencies that you may face in the area where you live. No one is immune to house fires; however, you may live in an area where hurricanes are possible, or mudslides, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding etc. Consider your area when making your emergency kit and deciding where to store it.
Think about what you would need to start over if your home were destroyed in an emergency. You can replace all of these things, but what things would make it easier if you had ready access to them.
Things everyone should have in the kit (as a back up have pictures of the documents stored digitally):
- Insurance information: for Car, House, Life, and Medical.
- List of emergency contact information and phone numbers. What numbers would you need if your phone was lost, dead or damaged.
- Documents that identify you – Birth Certificate, Passport Social Security Card (or stored in safety deposit box)
- Vital Records – Adoption, Marriage, Divorce (or stored in safety deposit box)
- Proof of residence
- Proof of ownership – Car Titles, Home Titles etc. (or stored in safety deposit box)
- Brief medical history for each member of the family
- List of medications/prescriptions
- List of doctors and contact information
- Password information (could also be stored in a safety deposit box or digitally)
- Flashlight
- Extra phone charger cord
- Portable charger
- Water bottle
- Non perishable snacks.
- Simple first aid kit
Make sure that your photos are backed up digitally (I recommend using Google Photos) and your albums are scanned in and stored digitally as well. No one is immune to emergencies; but preserving your photos and other valuables may be especially worth your time, if you live in an area where emergencies are more common – even during specific seasons.
Where is the best place to store the Emergency Kit? Stay Tuned!!!