“Jennifer’s presentation style is awesome!” 

Through her years of experience and heart warming stories, Jennifer Barnes provides sound advice and well developed content. On multiple occasions Jennifer has visited Kindred Life to help  guide our teen parents through topics such as Marketable Moms and the Power of Parenting. We invite Jennifer back each year and look forward to her next visit

“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.”

Our group loved Jennifer’s energy, friendliness, and passion for the topic. It was very practical and interactive, even though it was a virtual presentation. We all enjoyed it!

You do such a wonderful job of putting yourself back in our shoes remembering the specific chaos of little children. Thank you! (MOPS)

“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker.”

“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.”

“We love having you. You are an amazing speaker. We have had you speak to our group twice already in our three years of existence. Your name was the first to come up to speak to us again next year. Will be emailing you shortly. Thank you again.” (MOPS)

“I only wish we had had more time! Jennifer is Professional but relatable, and easy to communicate with before the presentation date.” (Mom’s Group)

“Yes, very happy with the presentation! Our group has been a buzz with conversation since the meeting. Very relevant. Jennifer is genuine and engaging. Loved hearing her story. We would love to hear more. Will definitely recommend to the planning team to consider. Love how Jennifer interacts with the group. Could have listened for hours. Thank you!” (MOPS/MOMSNext)

“Jennifer did a great job zoning in on the perfect topic to help our small business owners revisit their planning. Jennifer was dynamic and fun. She provided a perfect balance of professional and personal guidance for our group.” (Freedom Networking Group)

“The presentation was great! Clear and well communicated and perfectly paced. We will definitely be in contact for the future!” (Ela Public Library)

“Really the presentation and the topic were perfect! Jen you did an amazing job and made the presentation engaging and relevant for all. I already have received messages from people on how they enjoyed it.” (St. Mary of the Annunciation)

Schedule an In Person or Virtual Presentation

Talks also available in: Parenting/Relationship and Personal/Small Business Development  and Parent/Student 

(Virtual and In Person Presentations Available)

All presentations can also be prepared and presented as Faith Based.

If  you have an idea that you do not see represented, please let me know, as I frequently customize presentations to the needs of a given organization. 


Organizing 101: Creating and Organizing Kids' Spaces

If you have kids, you have chaos and clutter! This presentation provides practical organizing tips that your whole family can use to bring order to that chaos. We examine specific ways to create and organize various kids' spaces in order to foster good habits like learning, creating, moving, and even eating successfully. You walk away with quick tips to help kids organize and be responsible as they grow and practical solutions for organizing various spaces in a way that is kid and adult friendly.

Organizing and Mental Health: Practical Ways to Gain POWER Over Your Mental Health

Chaos has a direct impact on our Mental Health. Organization can help improve our Mental Health. In this talk we will look at how chaos in our physical space and in our mental space directly impacts mental health and how organization can help combat the chaos. Real world stories will be shared to help reinforce the fact that this is something that impacts everyone and you are not alone. Finally, we will highlight 5 practical ways we can use Organization in our daily life to gain POWER over our Mental Health.

Organizing 101: Strategies for an Efficient Move

Are you moving? Downsizing? Or Do you just want to declutter your current space? Just thinking about this can be overwhelming! This presentation will help to simplify the process and illustrate how to declutter, pack, and move in an organized manner. First, we will look at what questions to ask when planning a move. Next, we share specific strategies that can be used during the process. Finally, we identify some “must do’s” and “must haves” for the most stress free move possible.

Organizing 101: Creative Closets and Kitchens

Kitchens and Closets are two of the most commonly cluttered and overwhelming spots in a home. In this presentation we will first identify the major roadblocks to getting these spots organized. Then we will discuss the 5 Organizing Principles that are key to bringing ORDER to anything anywhere. From there we will look at some specific strategies and tools that can be used to organize our closets and kitchen. Finally, we close with some tips for maintaining the organization once it is done.

Organizing 101: Organizing Anything Anywhere

Starting with a reminder that we, our homes, and our families are all unique and different; we press on with a reminder to not compare! The presentation highlights the different types of Organizers and how our personalities impact how we must organize in order to be effective. We then take an in depth look at the 5 Principles of Organizing and how to apply them to anything….. anywhere. We conclude with practical methods for maintaining the organization.

Organizing 101: Hitting the Clutter Hotspots

We begin by learning about the different types of organizers and asking “What type of Organizer am I?”. Next we pinpoint our “hotspots”. We then move on to what a Control Center is and how to set one up in our home. After that we address some other common trouble spots like organization of Children’s art supplies and artwork, as well as toys and other areas. We close with some tips on how to maintain the organization and keep the systems of organization in place.

Cut the Chaos, Reduce the Stress: The IMPACT of Good Time and Task Management

How do I get anything done when I am so busy? We answer this question by talking about boundaries and providing simple practical tips for how to manage our time. Next, we look at the variety of tasks that we face and how to concretely and simply manage them day to day. Organization definitely comes into play with Time and Task Management and we help get you on the road to better organizational habits and end with a look at how to maintain those habits over time.

Organizing 101: Organizing for the Holidays

Does just the thought of the holiday season make you feel stressed? Would you like to start the holiday season on a good note - feeling more organized and in control? In this presentation we give you practical ways to decrease the stress and increase your organization during this crazy time of year. We start by looking at 7 simple ways to CAPTURE the holiday spirit. We then look at organizing in general and learn the 5 Organizing Principles that will help you organize anything anywhere during any time of year. We close with a look at some specific strategies that will help you navigate the holidays in an organized fashion.

Organizing 101: Managing the Paper Trail

Drowning in paper? We are all inundated by information and paper every day. “Managing the Paper Trail” helps each person determine what type of organizer they are and where the most common paper hotspots are in our homes. We then look at some practical ways to manage the different types of paper and information. In addition, this talk addresses how we can use technology to help us tame the paper trail. Not sure what paper you have to keep and what you don’t? We will cover this information as well, and work on instituting maintenance practices, to prevent future feelings of “drowning in paper”.

Organizing 101: Spring Cleaning Specifics

Here we look at how to apply some basic organizing principles for any area of our home. We examine the type of organizer we are and the type of organizers that live in our homes. We identify our special project hotspots and learn how to make the most effective spring cleaning plan. There is discussion of the most common areas that people tackle each spring, along with practical ways to find time to finish the spring cleaning projects. Finally, we examine how to make Spring Cleaning less stressful for future years, by maintaining the organization of common areas.

Organizing 101: Back to School Basics

In this presentation we look at organization through the lens of the school year and the challenges it presents to the adults and kids in a home. We tackle organizing the main areas in the home where school papers pile. Practical tips are given to help kids be more independent and have less work for Mom and Dad. We also look at organizing kids areas to decrease stress at home, and improve the student’s ability to handle things that come home from school. Simple and practical tips are provided for both parents and kids.

Time and Information Management: Organizing in a Digital World

“I don’t have time!” We hear this and say this so often in this fast paced digital world we live in! Can we change this? Yes! While we can’t create more hours, we can be more efficient with the hours we do have. In this presentation, we look at how we receive and manage our time and information…..this will highlight the “why bother” behind learning to use the tools available to us in this Digital age. Then, we look at the top Apps/Programs for managing everything from our schedule and tasks to our projects and teams.

Organizing 101: Office Organizing Tips and Tricks

Is your office space causing you stress? Do you find yourself working in other spaces and not even using your office? In this presentation we look at the 5 Organizing Principles key to bringing ORDER to any space anywhere. We then look at applying these principles specifically to an office space and provide tips and tools for making your office space an efficient and pleasant space to work. We close with a look at how communication and organization go hand and hand and some solid strategies for maintaining the order that is achieved.

Wasting Time Each Day? Simple Tips to ERASE Inefficiency

Do you feel like you are wasting time each day? Do you feel like you are recreating the wheel each time you do something? Inefficiency is often rampant in our lives and homes and we don’t even realize it. In this presentation we review the 5 Principles of Organizing so we can make our spaces as efficient as possible. We also talk about 6 simple ways to Erase inefficiency in our daily lives using the easy to remember ERASER acronym. Walk away with practical tips for being more efficient each day.

Organizing Your Life with School Age Children and Teaching Them to Organize Theirs

This presentation is a perfect mix of some basic Organizational tips for people to apply at home and important information to share with kids so that they can more easily organize the information received at school. We look at what it means for a child to be responsible. Then we explore specific organizational tools that can be applied at home by the adults and serve as a powerful example to the kids. Next, discussion turns to practical examples of what the kids can do to learn to be responsible and organized. Finally, we look at how to maintain the new habits or organization.

Organizing Quick Tips and Cool Hacks

This presentation starts with a quick, yet poignant reminder to let go of comparisons. We then move on to the 5 Organizing Principles and the 5 T’s of Communication that will help you organize anything anywhere with anyone! We conclude with some cool hacks that you can use to bring organization to some common problem areas.

Decluttering Our Hearts and Homes: The Emotional Connection to Stuff

“I can’t get rid of that!” ….. This statement can be heard in every home, in every business, in every place…. No one is immune from the pull that “things” have on us. Everyone faces the task of decluttering at some point. In this presentation we look at specific steps to effectively declutter the spaces in which we live and work. We also examine the Why and How behind our emotional connection to things. We conclude with what we can do to embrace emotional and mental connections, without letting them clutter our hearts.

Organizing & Parenting Solutions to Everyday Problems

Getting a handle on “stuff” can be a challenge for both adults and kids In this presentation we look at how to best organize our homes to provide healthy and efficient spaces for adults and kids to “work” and “play”. Through discussion of how to organize our space and our time, we will learn practical ways to teach our kids to be organized and responsible. The talk closes with discussion of how to maintain the systems and spaces that we set up in our homes.

How to Get Motivated, Stay Motivated, and THRIVE

Do you want to get organized? Learn something new? We share practical tips for getting motivated- no matter what you want to accomplish. Then we identify some of the obstacles that often keep us from staying motivated and learn some strategies for overcoming them. We close with a look at 6 Things that will help you to THRIVE no matter what stage of life you are in.

I am Where God Put Me…..Now How Do I Get Organized?

How did I get here? Sometimes life seems like a blur and it seems some days like we all of the sudden look up and find ourselves in the middle of a life and we aren’t sure how we got there. In this presentation we look at where we are and remember that God has a reason for putting us each where we are. It isn’t always that simple though, so we look also at the hurdles that might be in the way of us realizing our purpose. Then we look practically at how to get organized where we are and flourish in the place where God put each of us.

Schedule an In Person or Virtual Presentation