Organizing can seem so overwhelming! I know that starting is half the battle, so here are 10 quick organizing projects to get you started and give you a boost of success.
Before you start, even these quick projects, remember to always declutter first. Clean out the chosen area and then organize it! Do NOT just organize what is in the space.
The order of organization should be as follows: 1. Declutter 2. Decide 3. Organize. Declutter – get rid of what you don’t need, don’t use, don’t want or is damaged. Decide– What do you want in the space? What do you want the purpose to be? What tools do you want to use (baskets, bins, files etc.) Organize – Put the remaining items in the chosen holders and back in the given space.
Quick Organization Projects:
- Clean out your purse or briefcase
- Nightstand
- Organize your makeup drawer/bin
- Utensil Drawer
- Front of the refrigerator or magnetic area where pictures etc. are gathered.
- Label your charger cords.
- Clean under one person’s bed
- Organize the game apps on your phone (put them into a file or grouping)
- Shred one file of papers (old bills and receipts from one month)
- Coffee Table (donate the books you no longer want – change it up
Remember — Start small. Do one little thing at a time. The small successes will lead to larger victories!