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Toy Organization

Toy Organization

By JB Organizing

Remember the 5 Principles of Organizing

  1. Small Steps — Don’t try to organize the entire playroom or all the toys at once.  Small Steps.  One type of toy at a time, or corner to corner, top to bottom, shelf by shelf.  
  2. Declutter — Get your 5 bins out:  Throw Away, Give Away, Put Away, File Away, Hide Away.
  3. Condense — Put all like items together.  (All blocks together, Doll clothes together, plastic cars, match box cars etc.)
  4. Contain — Put all like items in the same bin or basket.  Decide to have only ONE bin of plastic cars, only ONE bin of puppets.
  5. Label — Label clearly and specifically.  If your kids are younger, use pictures and words.

Some Top Toy Organizing Tips

  1. No toy boxes!! — They are graveyards for toys.
  2. Organize for your space — if the toys are hidden away, then bins are great.  If they are out in the open, baskets are more attractive.
  3. Use the hidden spaces — over the door shoe holder for Barbie clothes and dolls or cars.
  4. Sort Legos by color and put the instruction books in a binder.  
  5. Store games vertically on a shelf (like books) instead of laying them horizontally.
  6. Put all game pieces in ziploc bags within the game box.
  7. Put puzzle pieces in a ziploc bag with a number and name on it, and store the corresponding board vertically with a number on it.  
  8. Make each child an “Art Set”, in a separate shoe box sized plastic bin with age appropriate items.  Store it in the kitchen or in a supervised area.
  9. Under the bed storage boxes are great for toy storage in kid’s rooms.  You can put smaller bins in the larger bin to keep items contained.
  10. Bins with lids are good, because they can be stacked.  
  11. It is better to have fewer things in a smaller bin, than many different types of toys in a larger bin.  Be specific.
  12. Think “centers” when you organize your toys.  What types of toys go together?  (For example, food and cash register to facilitate playing store;  Blocks near the cars to facilitate building and using what they built.)

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