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The 4 T’s of Parenting

JB Organizing:  One Thing I Have Learned

The 4 T’s of Parenting


Working on Raising 5 kids has taught me a some things….and is teaching me more every day 🙂 🙂 🙂

One thing I have found to be helpful is remembering to always communicate the 4 T’s when training our children.

1. Task – What specifically do I want them to do

2. Time – In what specific time frame do I want them to accomplish the task

3. Treat – What reward or good result will happen if they do as they are expected

4. Trouble — What consequence or trouble will befall them if they do not do as expected.

These 4 T’s coupled with being Consistent and Persistent are a huge part of surviving this journey called Parenthood.

Every time I have a breakdown in parenting or communicating in my house, I can almost ALWAYS trace it to having not clearly communicated one of these 4 T’s.

Making sure the 4 T’s are clear will not eliminate all struggles, but it will provide a strong basis on which to stand when trying to work our way through these muddy parenting waters 🙂  

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