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JB’s Must Reads: Mother & Son – The Respect Effect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Must Read Series

By JB Organizing

Mother & Son:  The Respect Effect 

By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

JB’s Review

If you are married, have a son, are a teacher, or interact on a daily basis with men of any age you should read this book.  It is a wonderful insight into the minds of men and what makes them unique and what molds many of their actions and reactions.  I found it invaluable in parenting my son and found it helpful in building my relationship with my husband.  An unexpected benefit has been a better understanding of my brothers, father and the men with whom I interact on a daily basis.  The book does not offer excuses for poor behavior, rather it provides insight into the “why” behind what they do.  In addition, I love the fact that the author gives specific examples for how younger boys handle situations and specific examples of how older boys handle things.  The personal stories from women in all stages of life leave the reader feeling encouraged and empowered, and with a more intimate understanding of how “respect” affects men.  Finally, the author provides specific “respect language” that can be used when talking to boys or men in many specific situations, leaving the reader feeling more equipped and empowered.  

Information About the Book:  https://loveandrespect.info/mother-and-son-the-respect-effect

Information About the Author:  Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

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