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JB Organizing: 5 Principles of Organizing.


5 Principles of Organization

To bring ORDER to anything anywhere.

It doesn’t matter where you start – What is most important is how you do it. 

Follow the following steps for a methodical process to organize any space.

1.  One step at a time   2.  Reduce clutter  3.  Decide on categories   4.  Enclose in containers   5.  wRite Labels

  •  O – One step at a time (Break tasks or spaces down into small steps. Pick a space and work methodically around that space – starting in one corner and working corner to corner, top to bottom. Don’t skip around! This strategy allows you to see progress and to know where you left off when you have to stop. Set a timer for a small block of time and start – amazing what can be done when a timer is set.  You don’t have to do it all now.)
  • R- Reduce Clutter – ALWAYS declutter before you organize, so that you are not organizing things that you don’t need to keep.                       5 bags/boxes – Set these up in the space where you are working. YOU DON’T WANT TO LEAVE THE SPACE!
    • Throw Away (Follow this link for disposal information https://jborganizing.com/organizing-tips/where-to-recycledispose-of-various-household-chemicals-and-products/ )
    • Give Away (Follow this link for a list of Donation Ideas https://jborganizing.com/organizing-tips/donation-ideas-and-locations/ )
    • Put Away – Things that do not have a home in the specific area that you are decluttering.
    • File Away – Papers that do not have a home in the specific area that you are decluttering
    • Hide Away – Things you don’t think you can bear to part with, that you put in a bin and if you don’t look for it in a month you donate it.  (For best results have a friend keep the Hide Away bin and give them permission to donate it if you don’t ask for it in a month)
  • D – Decide on Categories  – Put “like” items in one spot.  (i.e. You don’t want crackers in multiple spot or scotch tape in 5 spots in your house)
  • E – Enclose in Containers – Contain the “like” items together in a bin/basket/file etc.  (i.e. use drawer organizers to enclose “like” items in your junk drawer or Use a bin to enclose all the lids of your Tupperware bins.) When you Contain items – it keeps you from expanding. It let’s us see clearly how much we have of a certain item – so we can easily decide if we need more or not. If we do not contain ourselves we will expand and keep getting more. 
  • R – wRite labels –  Make sure to label the containers (bins/baskets/files etc.). Specifically and detailed.  Never assume you will remember what is in a bin.  Label so that others can know where everything is.  

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