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JB Organizing: JB’s Must Reads. “Business Boutique” by Christy Wright

JB’s Must Reads

Business Boutique

By Christy Wright

JB’s Thoughts:  

A great read for anyone who is thinking of building their own business, is currently building a business, or even has a vague dream of someday possibly doing something on their own someday.  It is an easy, clear read with wonderful, practical advice.   The book does a great job pulling all aspects of building a business together and walking the reader through the “how to” of building a complete, from the ground up, business plan.

Part of my business is Small Business Development including basic Web Development and Marketing.  In this area of my company what we do is work with people who are building or want to build a business. We assist people with many tasks including:  general administrative tasks needed to get started, basic web development, and building a working social media promotion and marketing plan.  Business Boutique is great supplement to what we do or a stand alone resource.   

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