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Recycling Resources: Toy Donation Ideas

Recycling Resources:  Toy Donation   Thrift Stores Churches Preschools Shelters Freecycle https://www.freecycle.org/ Stuffed Animals for emergencies https://stuffedanimalsforemergencies.org/ Hospitals Local Doctor’s offices/Clinics Here are some tips from the Smart Parent Advice Website to help guide you when donating stuffed animals https://smartparentadvice.com/how-to-donate-stuffed-animals/  

JB Organizing: Moments of Disorder

Moments of Disorder There are many Moments of Disorder in my life!  One of the comments that I hear most often from people is, “Your house must be sooo neat, because you are a Professional Organizer!”  My response is most assuredly no! I clarify by explaining two things: First, I remind them that being organized