JB Organizing: Recycling Resources. Where and How can you recycle your old cell phones?

JB Organizing:  Recycling Resources. Cell Phone Recycling You do NOT want your old cell phones to end up in a landfill.  They can leak harmful chemicals into the environment and never disappear!!  Instead here are some options for disposing of your old cell phones; many of which help others in the process!   First, get

Where to Recycle/Dispose of Various Household Chemicals and Products

Recycling/Waste Disposal/Junk Removal/Donation Info Check out highrises.com for an apartment and condo recycling guide. https://www.highrises.com/apartment-and-condo-recycling-guide.php  (Thanks to the kids from the Junior High STEM Program for passing this information along to me! – It takes all of us working together to keep our world safe and healthy!)   Earth 911 is a great site for