Latest Past Events

Organizing 101: Organizing Anything Anywhere

Willow Creek North Shore MOPS Virtual

Starting with a reminder that we, our homes, and our families are all unique and different; we press on with a reminder to not compare! The presentation highlights the different types of Organizers and how our personalities impact how we must organize in order to be effective. We then take an in depth look at the 5 Principles of Organizing and how to apply them to anything….. anywhere. We conclude with practical methods for maintaining the organization.

Private Group

Wasting Time Each Day? Simple Tips to ERASE Inefficiency

Ela Area Public Library Virtual

Do you feel like you are wasting time each day? Do you feel like you are recreating the wheel each time you do something? Inefficiency is often rampant in our lives and homes and we don’t even realize it.  In this presentation we review the 5 Principles of Organizing so we can make our spaces as efficient as possible. We also talk about 6 simple ways to Erase inefficiency in our daily lives using the easy to remember ERASER acronym. Walk away with practical tips for being more efficient each day.


Decluttering Our Hearts and Homes: Our Emotional Connection to Stuff

Private Group, Virtual Via Zoom

“I can’t get rid of that!” ….. This statement can be heard in every home, in every business, in every place…. No one is immune from the pull that “things” have on us. Everyone faces the task of decluttering at some point. In this presentation we look at specific steps to effectively declutter the spaces in which we live and work. We also examine the Why and How behind our emotional connection to things. We conclude with what we can do to embrace emotional and mental connections, without letting them clutter our hearts.

Private Group