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Technology Info for Parents: Top Apps, Monitoring Programs, Informational Websites


Top Apps, Monitoring Programs, and Informational Websites for Parents

Click Here for a great Interactive Internet Safety Guide for parents to do with their kids to teach them about Internet Safety.


Internet Safety Guide


Click here for a great resource full of information on how TV content is categorized and what parents need to be aware of, as well as specific, actionable tips for parents.

Keeping Your Children Safe While Watching TV


What else can I do to protect my children?

How and where do I start?


One of the best tactics parents have for Parenting in the a Facebook World is Knowledge and Awareness.  

The first level of Knowledge and Awareness is General — Knowing the basic range of technology in our world today and where it will go in the future.

General (a sampling of what is out there now)

    1. Phones
    2. Apps
    3. Tablets/iPads etc.
    4. Computers – desk and laptops
    5. Watches
    6. Glasses
    7. Fitbits
    8. Cars
    9. Refrigerators
    10. Alarm/Security Systems
    11. Baby Monitors

The second level of Knowledge and Awareness is Specific  — Knowing the apps, programs, games, websites that are available.

Specific –  top social media apps/programs/websites for kids and teens.  90% of young adults are on social media 18-34) pew research center





Teens/Young Adults


Adults (use those below as well as some use on ones previously listed)

    1. Facebook
    2. Twitter
    3. Pinterest
    4. Instagram
    5. WhatsApp
    6. Linkedin 

Games (If your child is interested in something research!!)




Help in choosing the best Video games for your child







The 3rd level of Knowledge and Awareness is knowing the Laws (protecting and enforcing) and the Tricks


    1. To protect children from others – anti bullying laws, sexual predator laws, stalking laws, child pornography laws, harassment laws – they are passing new laws all of the time….this is a new area of law and law enforcement and they are learning as they go too.
    2. That kids can get in trouble with – i.e. If inappropriate photo is found on their phone – they are liable (even if they didn’t take it, but it was sent to them – talk to them about this.)  Mean things written on their social media – they are liable – even if they didn’t write it.


Tricks (not to make you paranoid, but just aware)

Hidden Apps http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-12-apps-that-every-parent-of-a-teen-should-know-about_us_56c34e49e4b0c3c55052a6ba

– Audio Manager, Calculator, vaulty, snapchat, burn note, line, omegle, tinder, blendr, kik messenger. Poof

After making sure we have Knowledge and Awareness in our arsenal, we can look at specific tools that are available to monitor and provide us with the knowledge and awareness.

Websites that can provide information on movies, games, media

Knowing about games and movies

    1. http://www.pluggedin.com/
    2. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews
    3. http://www.movieguide.org/
    4. http://www.kids-in-mind.com/
    5. http://boxofficemom.com/
    6. http://raisingchildren.net.au/movie_reviews/movies_landing_page.html
    7. http://www.dove.org/


Built in Parental Control Programs – Online monitoring software seems to be more effective that software that blocks it – especially for older kids, because it allows the parent to see what the child is doing and start the appropriate conversations.  Blocking it can often lead to kids just working to get around it and then the parents don’t know and then never have the conversation.

  1. Search history
  2. Search history on Google Play or iStore
  3. Kajeet – for phone  ******
  4. Apple Controls – for phone
  5. Computer ones – Microsoft etc.  cookies,
  6. Netflix or TV program parental controls – “recently watched”
  7. There are many monitoring apps —

But here are some monitoring apps that allow you to check the phone without taking the phone.



Parental Control Apps

Managing Phones and Mobile Devices – Blocking certain functions etc.






Note:  The best tactics will always remain doing spot checks on the technology, following them on social media, talking to them, and listening to them!


General Resource Guides for Parents:

A Guide to Ratings – Movies, Music, Games and more from Seat Up



Internet Safety Guide for Kids and Teens from the Code Signing Store



Internet Safety Guide



The Ultimate Parent Guide for Children on the Internet



Here is a great resource full of information on how TV content is categorized and what parents need to be aware of, as well as specific, actionable tips for parents.

Keeping Your Children Safe While Watching TV


Allconnect offers another great resource for parents. It includes practical tips and concrete information on the laws in each state.

Keep your kids safe online: All you need to know about internet safety at school and home

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