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JB’s Organization Destination: Linen Closet

Linen Closet Lessons By JB Organizing Always remember the 5 principles of organizing:     1.  Small Steps  2. Declutter   3. Condense  4.  Contain   5.  Label Do things a little at a time.  Small steps.  Shelf by shelf, top to bottom. As always — Declutter first.  Throw away anything that is: broken, ripped, worn, nearly

JB’s Must Reads

JB’s Must Reads “For Women Only” and “For Men Only” By Shaunti Feldhahn JB’s Review:   Do you want to gain an accurate insight into the opposite gender and what makes them tick?  Then read these books.  They not only help us to understand our spouses or partners, our children; but also our coworkers, bosses,

JB’s Must Reads

JB’s Must Reads ” The 5 Love Languages” By Gary Chapman JB’s Review: Who doesn’t want to learn to love others better?  Who doesn’t want to be loved better? Love is the international language.  Love is the language that we all can and should speak.  It doesn’t matter if you are single or married, divorced or