25 Living Room Organization Ideas (Featured in Article)

If your living room is cluttered and chaotic, it
can be tough to relax and spend time with your
family or entertain guests. Your living room can
become even more challenging to use if you
have a large family or an abundance of
belongings. But by taking a few simple steps to
organize your space, you can turn your living
room into a haven of peace and relaxation.

Protect It – Passwords – What should you do with all of them?

I still think the best way to keep all your passwords safe is to write them down and store them with your important Documents (See Previous Post https://jborganizing.com/organizing-tips/5-ways-to-preserve-and-store-your-important-documents/ )   You want to go Digital instead….Here are some options for you! (From 10 Free Ways to Track All Your Passwords, By Leo Babauta) Password Protection