One Step at a Time, Room-by-Room Organizing: Tackling Kitchens, Bedrooms, & Living Spaces Methodically

A woman on the floor with “keep; donate; trash” boxes for room-by-room organizing

Most of us are super busy, and maintaining a clutter-free and organized home can often feel like an impossible task. The thought of decluttering and organizing an entire house can be overwhelming, leading many to procrastinate or avoid it altogether. However, a more manageable approach can help you regain control of your living spaces: room-by-room with a one step at a time approach to organizing.


You can tackle one space at a time by breaking down the decluttering and organizing process into specific rooms and small methodical steps, making the task much more achievable and less intimidating. Read on as we explore how to methodically organize three key areas of your home: the kitchen, bedrooms, and living spaces.


The Kitchen

The kitchen is often the heart of any home, where delicious meals are prepared, and cherished memories are made. However, it can also be a breeding ground for clutter and disorganization. To start your room-by-room, one step at a time organizing journey you can review my 5 Organizing Principles that help bring ORDER to anything anywhere and then we’ll take on the kitchen.


1. Declutter

Begin by picking a corner of the kitchen and moving methodically around the kitchen – one step at a time – corner to corner/top to bottom. Methodically going through your kitchen cabinets, drawers, and pantry. As you work methodically, always declutter first! Remove expired items, get rid of duplicates, and purge the area of things you never use or don’t even like. Decluttering first is essential will help you avoid the frustration of searching for the right item in a cluttered drawer.


2. Organize

Once you have decluttered a space – look at what you have left and decide on categories. Put “like” items together. Once you have your categories – Enclose them in appropriate containers. This is when you invest in storage solutions such as clear containers, drawer dividers, and shelf organizers to maximize your kitchen’s efficiency. The final step is to Label containers for easy identification. For example, designate one container for pasta and another for rice, making meal prep a breeze. Drawer dividers can keep your utensils neatly separated, making it easy to find the right tool when you need it.


A woman organizing her pantry

Organize your kitchen with storage solutions

3. Maintain

Labeling is essential in ensuring your kitchen remains organized! It is also important to  establish a routine for maintaining order. Regularly clean and declutter your countertops, wipe down surfaces, and do a quick inventory check to avoid unnecessary purchases. A clean and clutter-free countertop looks pleasing and encourages a more streamlined cooking process. With your items in categories and containers – it is easier to conduct an inventory check and you will be less likely to buy items you already have, saving money and space in your kitchen. Remember, maintaining your organized kitchen is an ongoing commitment that pays off in the long run.



Your bedroom should be a sanctuary of peace and relaxation. To achieve this, room-by-room organizing is king.


1. Declutter

Remember to follow the one step at a time process. Pick a corner and work methodically through the space. For example, you can start by going through your closet or pick the corner by your dresser and start there. Either way – work corner to corner/top to bottom methodically through the space – Don’t skip around!! As you work through your bedroom space and declutter you can donate or sell clothing that you no longer wear and remove items that don’t belong in the bedroom. 


A decluttered bedroom reduces visual stress and promotes better sleep by creating a calming environment. In addition to current practicality, this decluttering process extends to smart ways to pack your items when preparing for a move. If, down the road, you decide to relocate, downsizing your belongings will lead to a smoother and more efficient process.


2. Organize

Once you have decluttered, look at what you have left and determine the categories you have. Next you Enclose those categories in appropriate containers. In the bedroom “containers’ may be specialty hangers to hold multiple pairs of slacks in a streamlined fashion or shelf dividers or sweaters. They could also be more traditional “containers” like under-bed storage bins, closet organizers, and drawer organizers for nightstand drawers. Ensure your bedroom layout promotes relaxation, with a designated space for reading or meditation. Under-bed storage can help you make the most of limited space, while a well-organized closet and nightstand ensure that everything you need is within easy reach, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


3. Maintain

Don’t forget to label – any bins and baskets to keep things organized. Don’t try to remember what is in the containers. Also, maintenance involves regularly making your bed, putting away clothes, and conducting a quick tidying up. Maintaining a clutter-free and serene bedroom will improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. A neatly made bed can set a positive tone for the day while tidying up ensures that your bedroom remains a peaceful oasis that welcomes you after a long day.


A person folding laundry

Declutter, organize, and maintain your bedroom

Living Spaces

Your living room and other communal areas are where you spend time with family and friends. Room-by-room, one step at a time organizing is the way to make these spaces inviting and comfortable.


1. Declutter

Pick a corner and move methodically – corner to corner/top to bottom – around the space. Remove items that don’t belong, such as cluttered magazines or unused furniture. Donate or sell items that no longer serve a purpose, and consider implementing a “one in, one out” rule for new purchases. A clutter-free living room allows for a more spacious and inviting atmosphere, perfect for relaxation and quality time with loved ones.


2. Organize

What categories of items do you have left? Decide on those categories so that you know what “containers” or storage solutions you need. Use storage solutions such as coffee tables with hidden compartments or shelving units to keep books, magazines, and entertainment systems organized. Arrange furniture in a way that promotes conversation and flow. Strategic furniture placement can create a welcoming environment, while well-organized storage solutions keep your living room tidy and functional.


3. Maintain

When needed, you can use pretty labels in spaces like this.For example, a basket that contains card games – you can tie a wood label with scripted writing on it. It ensures people will know where to find things and put things away and elevate the look at the same time. It always helps to have a good routine to encourage family members to put away their belongings and help with tidying up. Regularly vacuum, dust, and clean surfaces to maintain a welcoming living space. Involving everyone in the maintenance of your living room ensures that it remains an enjoyable and harmonious place for family gatherings and relaxation. Consistent cleaning and tidying efforts are key to preserving the inviting atmosphere of your shared living spaces.


General Room-by-Room Organizing Tips

Now that we’ve covered specific areas, here are some general tips to remember during your organizing journey.


Start Small

Begin with the room that feels the most manageable or bothers you the most and make sure to take one step at a time and work methodically through that space – corner to corner/top to bottom. Don’t skip around. This methodical approach helps you to see progress and lets you know where you left off. Completing even a portion of one room will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to tackle the rest. Where you start is up to you. For example, if your cluttered bedroom is affecting your sleep quality, start there. Once you see the transformation in your sleep environment, you’ll be inspired to move on to other rooms in your house.


Set Realistic Goals

Don’t try to organize an entire room in one day. Break the task into smaller, achievable goals you can complete in a reasonable amount of time. For instance, if you’re organizing your kitchen, focus on decluttering and organizing one cabinet or drawer at a time. Don’t forget to work methodically around the space – No skipping around.  


Sort and Categorize

The first “sorting” happens when you declutter. To efficiently declutter you need to set up your 5 Decluttering Bins right where you are working. Sort items into the bins as you go – don’t leave the area where you are working. When we leave the area to put things away we get distracted and lose time. The second sorting happens after you are done decluttering. As you go through the belongings that you have left, group “like” items together. Sorting things helps us to know what we have and enables us to have all the similar items in one spot – making finding and using things more efficient.


Involve the Family

If you share your living spaces with others, involve them in organizing. Assign tasks and responsibilities to ensure everyone contributes. In the kitchen, for example, you can delegate specific tasks like organizing the pantry, cleaning out the refrigerator, or labeling storage containers. When everyone pitches in, maintaining an organized home becomes a shared responsibility.


 A woman playfully dumping a pile of clothes on her child

Involve your family when room-by-room organizing

Stay Consistent and Create Routines and Habits

Initially, this might be the toughest part, but it soon becomes part of the routine. Create routines and habits to prevent clutter from piling up again. Make it a daily practice to put away clothes and belongings in your bedrooms. Schedule regular cleaning and decluttering sessions in the living spaces to ensure your home remains orderly and inviting. 


In Conclusion

One step at a time, Room by Room organizing is a practical and effective way to regain control of your home and create a more harmonious living environment. Following these steps and tips, you can transform your kitchen, bedrooms, and living spaces into well-organized, clutter-free zones that promote peace and productivity. Start today and enjoy the benefits of a tidy and serene home.

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