Organizing 101: Spring Cleaning Specifics

Here we look at how to apply some basic organizing principles for any area of our home. We examine the type of organizer we are and the type of organizers that live in our homes. We identify our special project hotspots and learn how to make the most effective spring cleaning plan. There is discussion of the most common areas that people tackle each spring, along with practical ways to find time to finish the spring cleaning projects. Finally, we examine how to make Spring Cleaning less stressful for future years, by maintaining the organization of common areas.

25 Living Room Organization Ideas (Featured in Article)

If your living room is cluttered and chaotic, it
can be tough to relax and spend time with your
family or entertain guests. Your living room can
become even more challenging to use if you
have a large family or an abundance of
belongings. But by taking a few simple steps to
organize your space, you can turn your living
room into a haven of peace and relaxation.

Organizing Your Life with School Age Kids and Teaching Them to Organize Theirs

This presentation is a perfect mix of some basic Organizational tips for people to apply at home and important information to share with kids so that they can more easily organize the information received at school. We look at what it means for a child to be responsible. Then we explore specific organizational tools that can be applied at home by the adults and serve as a powerful example to the kids. Next, discussion turns to practical examples of what the kids can do to learn to be responsible and organized. Finally, we look at how to maintain the new habits or organization.

Cut the Chaos, Reduce the Stress: The IMPACT of Good Time and Task Management

Free Event that is Open to the Public.
Register through the included link and Join us!

How do I get anything done when I am so busy? We answer this question by talking about boundaries and providing simple practical tips for how to manage our time. Next, we look at the variety of tasks that we face and how to concretely and simply manage them day to day. Organization definitely comes into play with Time and Task Management and we help get you on the road to better organizational habits and end with a look at how to maintain those habits over time.

Decluttering Our Hearts and Homes: The Emotional Connection to Stuff

“I can’t get rid of that!” ….. This statement can be heard in every home, in every business, in every place…. No one is immune from the pull that “things” have on us. Everyone faces the task of decluttering at some point. In this presentation we look at specific steps to effectively declutter the spaces in which we live and work. We also examine the Why and How behind our emotional connection to things. We conclude with what we can do to embrace emotional and mental connections, without letting them clutter our hearts.

Decluttering Our Hearts and Homes

“I can’t get rid of that!” ….. This statement can be heard in every home, in every business, in every place…. No one is immune from the pull that “things” have on us. Everyone faces the task of decluttering at some point. In this presentation we look at specific steps to effectively declutter the spaces in which we live and work. We also examine the Why and How behind our emotional connection to things. We conclude with what we can do to embrace emotional and mental connections, without letting them clutter our hearts.

Organizing Your Life With School Age Children and Teaching Them to Organize Theirs

This presentation is a perfect mix of some basic Organizational tips for people to apply at home and important information to share with kids so that they can more easily organize the information received at school. We look at what it means for a child to be responsible. Then we explore specific organizational tools that can be applied at home by the adults and serve as a powerful example to the kids. Next, discussion turns to practical examples of what the kids can do to learn to be responsible and organized. Finally, we look at how to maintain the new habits or organization.