JB’s Must Reads

JB’s Must Reads ” The 5 Love Languages” By Gary Chapman JB’s Review: Who doesn’t want to learn to love others better?  Who doesn’t want to be loved better? Love is the international language.  Love is the language that we all can and should speak.  It doesn’t matter if you are single or married, divorced or

Don’t Let Summer Pass You By

Don’t Let Summer Pass You By Plan a little now and enjoy summer more!  Take the time to make 3 lists.  You can even have each member of your family make their own version of these lists and put them together.  A little thought now, will go a long way toward making the summer more

Being a parent of teens is like being the container that holds all the lotto balls…they constantly bounce off of you and each other, but would be a mess without you.

Being the parent of teens is like being the container that holds all the lotto balls……They constantly bounce off of you and each other, but would be a mess without you.  – JRB 2016 Being a parent of teenagers is not easy.  It is sometimes painful and bruising to one’s psyche .  Teens are constantly